Learn to teach about sustainable development
By year 2030 EduGems wants to have equipped one million educators with skills and knowledge to teach ESD.
Transformative competences are urgently needed at schools

EduGems Finland is an education company providing innovative research-based online teacher training on how to learn and teach about Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in schools. We want to help individual teachers and entire schools around the world to strengthen their capabilities for holistic transformation.
Learn to apply Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) effectively
Our emphasis is on empowering teachers and schools to be ambassadors for the change – by coaching them to plan their own ESD practices. Only then they will own their own change and innovate a direction towards the better!
Online teacher training

EduGems teacher training participants will be introduced to the most important topic a teacher can teach their students – Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The online course provides innovative research-based practices of how, why and what to include regarding ESD in schools. The Curriculum is based on EduGems founder Dr. Juntunen’s extensive research in ESD. EduGems’ programs are certified by Education Alliance Finland.
Start learning today! Individual teachers can enroll, purchase and study online training modules on EduGems´s online academy.
Is your school ready to face global challenges?
We need more qualified teachers in the work towards a more sustainable world and we cannot do it without the input from more teachers around the world. If more than two teachers from one school are joining the course, please contact us (info@edugems.fi) to discuss about our tailored solution for schools.
4 000+
have participated
in our training
we’ve had participants
from over 40 countries
Incredibly happy teachers!
“We support schools to integrate holistic ESD competences to curricula with an innovative, transformational and empowering approach.”
Take learning into practice
Our future Innovators programme includes practical projects, where the ideas are based on local needs and aim to create collaborative actions.

Superpowers through ESD and positive pedagogy
In Moldova, Science, Chemistry and Biology subjects teachers were invited to cooperate. They showed in their schools education that really matters for the future. “Parents were impressed by the motivation of their kids searching and exploring information about the materials, how they are used and what the reason is for the raw materials.”
Vasile Alecsandri Theoretical Lyceum, Moldova

E-waste management ambassadors
In Mexico, teachers are working on “E-WASTE”: a project that seeks to minimise electronic waste pollution through collaboration between the educational sector and the private sector. “This project was born as a result of the training that EduGems has provided to our school.”
Colegio Stratford, Mexico
Read more about customer cases from around the world in EduGems Academy.
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Student testimonials