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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a new educational export from Finland to boost the sustainability revolution!

The UN Alliance has nominated EduGems’ global, scalable ESD education pathway as Finland’s sole representative for the UNESCO Japan Prize on ESD. What prize? The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) awards the prize for work in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Each member… Read More »Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a new educational export from Finland to boost the sustainability revolution!

How is Finnish education expertise supporting Kenyan schools to change their teaching through education for sustainable development?

“In our school, the teacher to student ratio is 1:120. There is a big language barrier. Although I have a heavy duty, this course is very important for my job as a teacher, so I have to set aside time for it.”  – Antoney Zenga… Read More »How is Finnish education expertise supporting Kenyan schools to change their teaching through education for sustainable development?

Miten Suomi tukee kenialaisia kouluja muuttamaan opetusta kestävän kehityksen koulutuksen avulla?

“Oppilaitoksessamme opettajien ja oppilaiden suhdeluku on 1:120. Kielimuuri on suuri. Vaikka minulla on raskas velvollisuus, niin tämä kurssi on erittäin tärkeä opettajan työni kannalta, joten minun on varattava sille aikaa.” – Antoney Zenga Binge, Morning Star, Kenia Antoney Zenga Binge on rehtori Morning Starissa, peruskoulussa,… Read More »Miten Suomi tukee kenialaisia kouluja muuttamaan opetusta kestävän kehityksen koulutuksen avulla?